Fellowship Of Christian Airline Personnel

Sunny Skies vs Divine Direction: Navigating Career Changes with Faith

You may have convinced yourself that God wants you to quit your Chicago-based airline for a Miami-based one (since you have always worked in the corporate H.Q.), but could it be the nicer weather might have something to do with your decision as well?
Sometimes a believer finds himself pursuing a possible career in “full-time ministry” or a career change in the secular world only to find he is crashing against a vocational brick wall. Circumstances may almost seem to conspire to destroy a promising new job, whether secular or sacred. This often results in a depressed Christian.

Then, in retrospect, it may become apparent that the problem was in choosing to do something the person decided to do rather than God.

We may try to put a spiritual spin on self-direction in our lives but if we are not where He wants us to be we will remain frustrated and confused about what our purpose is in life.

“If any of you lacks wisdom, he should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to him.” -James 1:5 (NIV)

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