Replacing Fear with Faith

As I journeyed through my many decades of aviation and numerous business and personal travels, I have had my fair share of intense turbulence, aborted landings and take offs, emergency return to airport, emergency landing, tire bursts on landings, landing in expected hurricane weather, airport terrorist bomb attack on location, among other incidents.

Banishing My Fears

Needless to say at one point, unknown to most, as a result of my fear I did not like to fly at all, even though I loved planes and the aviation business. However, something happened on a flight to NYC many years ago on a DC8 out of Montego Bay, Jamaica. I was sitting next to a lady when shortly after take-off in the climb to cruising, we encountered the most horrific turbulence. She was absolutely petrified and about to panic. Before I embark on my journeys, I always speak to our Heavenly Father, asking for guidance and safety. As I did so on this particular trip, God responded by giving me the strength and wisdom to banish all my fears and guided me to hold this lady’s hand and comfort her. I reassured her throughout the entire time that all would be well, and this would pass soon, which it did. From that day He removed all fear of flying from my spirit, and I continue to experience the most relaxed, enjoyable flights in spite of weather, turbulence, or incidents.

Seeking His Wisdom

As I have grown in my walk with God, He has taught me, as per Mark 11:22-24, that He gives us instructions in what
to do in all situations and circumstances, including the weather and flights, as long as we believe and do not doubt. I have put this into practice. If the pilot says we are expecting turbulence or that it will get bumpy, I will speak peace and calm to the winds and weather in Jesus’ Name. It works … God’s Word is true!

I would encourage everyone, no matter what situation you are facing today, to pray for wisdom as He has promised in James 1:5. He will give you that wisdom. Read and meditate on the instructions given in His word (Mark 11:22-24), act on those instructions, and watch God work. Always remember… He has not given us a spirit of fear (2 Timothy 1:7) but of a sound mind. So let us turn all our fears (no matter how small or large) into faith… and have faith in our God (Mark 11:22). For with God nothing shall be impossible (Luke 1:37). May you experience freedom in Christ by His True Word!

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