Fellowship Of Christian Airline Personnel

2022 EAA Airventure in Oshkosh

Our Journey to Oshkosh

For many years it has been our desire to see FCAP  officially represented at the annual EAA Airventure in Oshkosh, WI.   This year it finally happened through our affiliation with  IAMA (International Association of Missionary Aviation).  They invited us to join them in their tent with 13 other Christian aviation non-profits (there are 62 members total in IAMA).  

A number of obstacles had to be overcome, but our awesome team from FCAP made it there for the week of July 24-31.  Thank you, Tim/Carol/Meredith Files, Eugene/Christina Kraybill and Edward Church for venturing where we had never been before and seeing it through.  Our display was staffed faithfully throughout the week,  leaving very little time for our team to enjoy the Airventure festivities.  However, each one of them will tell you it was a blessing being there, meeting the people who stopped by the tent, engaging with other ministries, and furthering the vision of outreach to the airline/aviation world.

In addition to IAMA and our FCAP team,  we want to thank MASA (Missionary Aviation Support Association) who organized transportation and provided host homes, meals and other amenities for our team throughout the week.  We extend heartfelt thanks to Plymouth Church for receiving boxes of materials we shipped ahead of time; they also graciously provided a Sunday evening meal for our team.


Location of our FCAP Display Table
Welcome to our home for the week!
FCAP Display Table Within IAMA Tent








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