Fellowship Of Christian Airline Personnel

Diversity and Inclusiveness – Part Four

Last week we talked about the difference between attending a company seminar which includes official approval of behaviors contrary to God’s word versus being asked to sign a statement at the end agreeing to endorse such approval as part of our submission to company policy.

We suggested that there was a very real difference between attending and endorsing such a seminar. Hearing or reading about something contrary to scriptural teaching is one thing. Endorsing it by our own hand is quite another.

Every one of us has free will, and that obviously includes what we do or do not do regarding topics such as this one. Ultimate accountability for what we decide in the latter situation discussed above is, ultimately, between each one of us and our God.
That said, it is our view that any Christian airline employee who decides that he or she cannot sign any document in good conscience should be excused by their company from having to do so. Furthermore, we also believe that if a Christian airline employee’s job status is affected in any way by such a decision that employee has the right to consider seeking legal redress from one of the several international Christian legal organizations which take on cases in which an individual’s religious freedoms are being infringed upon by any government, corporation, or individual.

We began this series of “Thought for the Week’s” acknowledging the changing realities for Christ-following airline workers in the West in the 21st century concerning possible corporate pressure to conform to current social norms that may be offensive to God. We end it by encouraging all of you who work in our industry to recognize that there are choices in how you respond to such pressure. We believe that the God in Whom we all trust will honor both you and the decisions you make when those decisions are made both prayerfully and in conscious submission to His perfect will.

“But Peter and the apostles answered, ‘We must obey God rather than men.’” -Acts 5:29 (ESV)

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