Fellowship Of Christian Airline Personnel

Balancing Faith and Workplace Demands: Navigating Corporate Training Without Compromising Convictions”

When we are asked to participate in a company event or training on the job we feel is contrary to God’s truth the first question we might want to ask is whether we are accurately discerning whether it is contrary to that truth. We must guard against any extra-biblical legalism creeping into our viewpoint. That said, however, there are many things the corporate world is embracing about which there is no real question vis a vis our faith. What is being brought before us is clearly ungodly to at least some degree.

Once we determine this to be true the next question is to what level can we participate without actually compromising our witness. Many things promulgated at the executive level for all employees tend to be “mixed bags.” By this we mean that there may be elements of the event or training to which we can give assent, even public assent, because they are in line with God’s truth and will (an example might be the condemnation of various kinds of harassment that really can be a problem on the job today).

The critical question is what do we do about something to which we cannot give our assent, possibly some endorsement of a philosophy or lifestyle that we know is not pleasing to God? It is prudent under such circumstances to first find out if an employee is only asked to listen to a new corporate policy rather than to publicly endorse it. Attending a seminar is different from being asked to sign a statement that you agree with what was presented. If you are only being told to attend, and nothing more, there is likely no spiritual compromise involved. You can simply “take the good and leave the bad.”

But what if you are asked to sign a statement at the end of a training indicating your agreement to act in some way while working (or during your off hours, for that matter) which you feel is an endorsement of sin? What then? We will tackle this challenge next week.

“Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God” -1st John 4:1

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