Fellowship Of Christian Airline Personnel

The workplace has a mix of people with different backgrounds, personalities, and expectations. In addition to these, people also bring with them to work their concerns and stresses from home, emotional struggles, frustrations, and anger. All of these can be brought into the workplace in one degree or another. Employees are told to keep their personal problems out of work. That is easily said but just about impossible to do. Being under such pressure can have a huge effect on workers as to how they respond to the people and circumstances around them. An employee who comes to work stressed out may feel he or she cannot deal with people problems at work as well. Those who have relationship issues outside of work tend to project them into the work setting.

From the corporate side, companies dealing with employ problems have concerns that these could escalate; in worse case scenarios even to the point of facing potential law suits. Often times a special department is created within the company that deals with and seeks to resolve such employee problems. They also help to interpret the legal ramifications of employ rights and company policy. This, of course, is needed and helpful; however, there can be a down side, as it can further complicate problems instead of solving them. You may ask, “How?” When a problem arises between two employees they are often served a “gag order” which forbids them to talk to one another about their dispute or possible solutions. Such a process hinders personal conflict resolution between the involved parties as it minimizes their personal responsibility and the prospect of restoring their relationship.

What ways could companies offer in helping with problems among employees? The company could first encourage the two parties involved to meet and work out their disagreements. Next the company could spell out some basic resolution procedures for them to follow. If one side or both refuses to do this, then the company should provide a third party (mediator) to initiate and help through this process. If there is refusal, then the company’s legal department would need to step in to deal with the matter. Of course, there are tough and complicated employee matters that need to be handed over directly to its legal department, but many of the smaller problems could be handled without legal assistants. Such a “Work It Out” policy keeps the problems from escalating and it also makes a statement that the company is interested in encouraging their workers to settle issues between themselves and be responsible for their actions and problems.

It may appear easier to appeal to someone else to solve my problems. However, God’s way is for me to personally take the first steps and become a part of the solution. Some Christians may entertain the thought, “The less I have to deal with people problems the more time I will have for ministry that really matters.” This is a false notion! The truth is…only once I understand that I am God’s instrument in all of life’s issues, am I ready to be a participant in God’s ministry and experience His provisions.

Understand this,  my dear brothers and sisters! Let every person be quick to listen, slow to speak, slow to anger. For human anger does not accomplish God’s righteousness. (James 1:19-20)