I greet you in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. My Name is Vicky Nuru and I love Jesus as my personal Savior. I knew about FCAP when I joined the fellowship of Kenya Airways about 36 years ago. During those early years, technology was still low and we used to receive a physical FCAP newsletter through the post office. It was a very precious document that encouraged me to navigate life in an aviation industry which seemed very unique.
I was not a very committed FCAPer initially until I got married and life didn’t seem very rosy, especially when I never had a baby until five years down the line. When I became serious in prayer and attending lunch hour fellowships, the Lord had mercy on me and I received the miracle of my first born in the year 1992. At that point I also discovered that I had the gift of singing so I looked for every opportunity to lead praise and worship in the fellowship. By profession I am an accountant and have worked for the same employer for the last 37 years.
One of my favorite verses is Judges 5:7 where we see Deborah rising up at a time when it was not convenient for her to take the assignment of God. I began to develop a passion for serving God the moment I learned that I was not employed to just earn a salary but I had an assignment for God at that market place.
I have had many encounters with God at the fellowship here. One that I cannot forget was when God spoke to me vividly when I felt very discouraged. He said to me that the day I drop His burden, He was equally going to drop me. From that time onwards I purposed to run with His assignment, and truly I have seen the supernatural grace for the marketplace work in my life.
Currently we have three fellowships across the network with different leaderships but under the main head office fellowship. We meet every lunch hour for fellowship plus once in a month for three hours in the evening for our monthly prayer meeting. God has helped us expand and impact our airline, and we are the ones that lead prayers during town halls, corporate prayer, and thanksgiving meetings. All glory goes back to God.
By the grace of God, in 2013 I was ordained as an associate Pastor in the local congregation where I served. This has contributed greatly to the assignment God has given me at this marketplace.
I have a beautiful family of five: three biological sons, an adopted son and an adopted daughter. God has been our provider. My husband rested in the Lord in August 2013. Psalms 34:10 has played out strongly in our family, and we have never lacked any good thing.
Finally, let us keep impacting our airlines with the goodness of God because were are the modern “sons of Issachar”(1 Chronicles 12:32). Let the rest of the staff follow as we lead.