FCAP Boise Airport Chapel Update

The FCAP Boise Airport Chapel continues to provide encouragement and support to many, passengers and airport employees alike. They share the Gospel. They assist stranded passengers and others who encounter needs while traveling through their airport. They encourage believers working at the airport to be the salt and light God desires for them to be and in how to persevere in the midst of challenges they may face. They are available for prayer as any need arises. They are there to console and pray with the bereaved. Such was the case recently when the Chapel held a memorial service for the family of a deceased custodial employee who was very loved by all who knew her and worked with her. Her name was Debra Howard.

Director of the Boise Airport Chapel, Warren Milanowski, reports that the memorial service was extremely well received. He credits that to his co-chaplain, Doug Human, who made all the preparations. Warren goes on to share the following comment they received from one participant:

“I want to send special thanks to the Boise Airport Chapel, Delaware North, BOI Custodial Services, Modern Printers, BOI Administration, Boise Airport Chaplains (and wife) for honoring my dear friend, Deb Howard. What a wonderful way to memorialize your colleague. You all did a beautiful job! I feel privileged that I got to attend. Deb was a happy, compassionate person and will be missed. Best wishes, Jennifer.”

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