Embracing Repentance: Seeking Forgiveness from God and Others

If you wrong a co-worker out flying the line one day don’t try to rationalize it. Instead seek God’s forgiveness and possibly His help making amends for what you did. That is called repentance.

It is important that everyone who calls him or herself a Christian (and that includes the author) become willing to grapple with the wrongs that we continue to do every time we indulge the flesh.

We desperately need to ask the Spirit to convict us of sin and be willing to feel the pain of that conviction. It is only then that we can become both open to the grace which goes deeper than any transgression we commit.

Once that sweet grace flows into our lives, through the channel of humility we have willingly opened in our hearts, we are once again blessed by the God who longs to not only give us life but give it abundantly.

“He who conceals his sins does not prosper, but whoever confesses and renounces them finds mercy.” -Proverbs 28:14 (NIV)

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