“Use your money to do good, always being ready to share whatever God has given you. By doing this, you will be storing up real treasure for yourselves in heaven — it is the only safe investment for eternity! And you will be living a fruitful Christian life down here as well.” 1 Timothy 6:19 (Living Bible)
This non-profit ministry is supported entirely by the love offerings of people like you. There are no membership dues or fees for any of our publications or web-based resources. They are made available to you by Gods’ provision. FCAP conducts no “fund-raising” campaigns – in faith we have depended completely upon God (since the ministry began in 1971) to provide for our needs as He moves in the hearts of His people.
Donations are used solely for the operational needs of the FCAP ministry. FCAP is recognized as a 501(c)(3) non-profit, tax-exempt organization. Accordingly all donations are tax deductible.
Our commitment to those who give is as follows:
- We are committed to using all donations given to FCAP to bless people throughout the airline world with the riches of God’s Word and the Gospel of Christ.
- We are committed to carrying out the great commission of Christ (Matthew 28:19-20) in response to God’s love for us. We believe that God will provide through His people connected to this ministry. We will let our needs be known without using manipulation to get donations.
- We are committed to operating this ministry by principles outlined in God’s Word. In doing so, we ask that people give to FCAP without neglecting their financial obligations to their family and local church.
- We are committed to honoring privacy by refusing to release FCAP contributor names or any information relating to their contributions.
Your generous contributions enable the FCAP ministry to continue pouring into the lives of Christians around the world who desire to reach airline/aviation co-workers worldwide. With your help, we will continue to provide quality, life changing training programs and ministry materials, at no or low cost, to all who desire to be apart of Gods work at work.
On behalf of all FCAP staff…Bless you and Thank you! Your contributions are greatly appreciated.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]