Biblical Positive Thinking Part I: Thought for the Week Special Series

In these difficult times, it is vital that the people of God do not allow themselves to become discouraged (to not “lose heart” as the Bible counsels us). But how exactly do we stay positive without resorting to some of the more secular philosophies of “positive thinking” in this world? We are talking here about the idea that if human beings just “think good thoughts” they will always be “up,” even if they do not know, nor think they need to know, Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior.

There is, no doubt, some truth to the idea that we are as we think and speak. This is why the non-believing world recognizes this reality as valid and responds today by promoting “the power of positive thinking,” almost as a secular religion in and of itself. People who constantly think and speak of worst-case scenarios regarding their lives often do find that such scenarios become self-fulfilling prophecies. Assume the worst and the worst may indeed follow.

However, the fact that this psychological dynamic may be true to a limited degree for all fallen human beings in no way addresses eternal realities, or our true eternal needs. For that believers need to look to the Word of God and discover what we might call “Biblical Positive Thinking.” Over the next few weeks, we will explore how to become more joyful in our daily lives, God’s way.

“So we do not lose heart. Though our outer self is wasting away, our inner self is being renewed day by day” -2 Corinthians 4:16 (NIV)

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