Beyond Wrath: Why God’s Love Conquers All, Even Injustice

Traveling around the world many airline people see great injustice in various places. God hates injustice. He does not, however, hate those who commit it. In fact, He died to save them as well as those they victimize.

Our Lord does have the capacity to hate. He hates what is evil, that which is contrary to His good and perfect will, that which destroys humanity which He created in His image. We know that He is capable of justified wrath.

Yet, at the same time, scripture never describes God as hate. He hates but, if we believe the Apostle John, it is not the core of His nature.

If God’s anger was greater than His love none of us would have any hope at all. The essence of love is grace, and only grace makes possible the redemption of sinful human beings. The redemption found in the cross of Christ provides the triumph of love in fulfilling the divine mandate for justice.

“Say to them, As I live, declares the Lord God, I have no pleasure in the death of the wicked, but that the wicked turn from his way and live; turn back, turn back from your evil ways…” -Ezekial 33:11

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