Hey Y’all! I am honored to be a part of FCAP and what God is doing through this organization!
My name is Analise Nelson and I had the privilege of connecting with FCAP through my mother! We are an aviation family; my father is a retired Delta Air Lines captain. Like many Atlanta Delta babies, I was blessed to grow up in Peachtree City, GA (the Delta Bubble). I am eternally grateful to my family who is so faithful to honor Jesus and reflect Him in all areas of their lives. My parents have undoubtedly played the largest role in both my aviation and faith journey. Throughout my childhood, we attended Grace Evangelical Church where my parents got to know Joe Ivey and Cathy Goza! Last year, I was searching for more fellowship and my mom mentioned FCAP; meanwhile some of you had been under that same church roof decades before!
It is amazing and humbling to see God weaving together the beautiful tapestry of our lives and how many of the strands intersect. Long before I knew I wanted to be a pilot myself, the LORD was laying down framework on His cosmic loom.
At the age of 7, in a big red truck, in the middle of a Georgia field, my dad led me through the prayer of salvation. This was the start of a lifetime walk with Jesus, and though I occasionally deviated from His course, Christ patiently and lovingly navigated me back to His perfect track. Periods of my childhood and now adulthood are marked by Jesus making Himself so real and known, and calling me into deeper waters with Him. For this period, the LORD has brought me to Delta, back to NYC, and to restart an FCAP group in LGA & JFK.
My time in the Aeronautics Program at Liberty University was filled with countless testimonies of His foresight and provision. I will share just two examples. My favorite professor and mentor, Walt Reichard, happened to be the father of our neighbor! Unknowingly, I used to babysit his 3 granddaughters during High School! Then, Paul Curtas and his wife gave a presentation through FCAP and spoke to a group of us students after class. These were no coincidences, but rather foreshadowing. They were just pieces of a divine connection and plan. Often, it takes years or decades to see God’s plan even partially revealed. Oh, but how beautiful it is. And now, FCAP is officially partnering with Liberty! Many of my friends and classmates have impacted each other’s lives since graduating. We have helped each other through flight training, career progressions, and ongoing encouragement. Many of them are now at Delta and helped me achieve this dream. Connection is one of innumerous things I love about aviation. It has a literal and internal way of bringing people together. That is why FCAP is a vital tool in God’s Kingdom. We touch many lives every single day. God has uniquely positioned each of us within His hub to reach others for Christ.
When I first connected with Jake, I was surprised when he told me that there were no active groups in the area, another unfortunate byproduct of Covid. I was even more surprised, humbled, and excited when Jake asked me to start a group back up. As Isaiah 6:8 states, “Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?” I respond, “Here I am, LORD, send me.” Christ can do anything; He just wants our devotion and willing hearts. It has already been such a blessing connecting with many of you and gives me goosebumps hearing what the global church is doing! I am thrilled to work with you all as we continue to edify, engage, encourage, and excite.
I hope that my story encourages you, dear brother and sister, to see the LORD’s hand in your life. We may not always understand what He is doing but we can be certain that “He who began a good work in you, will bring it to completion on the day of Christ” -Philippians 1:6.