There are lots of belief systems to choose from today. Many of them even go by the name “Christian,” but hanging a cross around human speculation as to the nature of God does not mean that speculation is true.
Confusion about who God really is can become a threat to authentic Christian faith.
In a time when so many non-Christian religions and philosophies are vying for the hearts and minds of human beings, and when people’s convictions about the heart of God are sometimes formed by memories of abusive human authority figures, we must find the true nature of our Lord by pursuing an uncompromising return to sound biblical thinking guided by the Holy Spirit.
Only in this way will human subjectivity not overwhelm struggling Christians who desperately need to deeply know their God and be set free to worship Him as He is.
“God is spirit, and those who worship him must worship in spirit and truth.” -John 4:24 (ESV)