Embracing Uncomfortable Spaces: Loving Colleagues Beyond Their Offense

Are you uncomfortable being around your colleagues in tech-ops because when you are all together the off-color jokes start to flow?

As a Christian, it is understandable to feel uncomfortable. What is not understandable is avoiding them instead of finding ways to love them despite themselves.

Jesus “hung out” with sinners all the time. He even managed to love them to the point of dying for them. Certainly, there were times when he called out sin and reacted strongly against it but this did not seem to scare the majority of people away from Him.

Jesus also never indicated by his words or actions that he was uncomfortable with people simply because He found their wrongdoings personally offensive. He may have reacted against it because it was offensive to His Father and destructive towards the persons involved, but it never seemed to be just because it made Him uncomfortable.

“But God shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.” -Romans 5:8 (ESV)

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