Fellowship Of Christian Airline Personnel

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Are people from different denominations involved in FCAP?

FCAP is made up of Christians from many different denominations who hold to the basic beliefs of the Christian faith and who choose unity and fellowship despite church or denominational differences. We extend God’s blessings to all people as it is appropriate and welcomed.

The ministry includes people who hold jobs in every area of the airline/aviation industry worldwide.  Anyone who has trusted Christ as Lord and Savior and who is living in obedience to God’s Word is eligible to be considered a part of FCAP. Those who choose to identify with FCAP are encouraged to meet regularly with other airline believers, support the work prayerfully and financially, and to seek opportunities to share the life-changing Gospel message with others in their workplace. Christians not directly related to the airline/aviation industry are welcome to be part of FCAP.

How can I connect with other believers in the airlines in my local area? 

Information for Local Fellowship Leaders can be found under “Groups & Contacts or you can contact FCAP International Headquarters about starting one in your area. Feel free to “Connect With Us”!

Is there a Board of Directors?

Yes. They are voted on by the FCAP Leadership and are responsible for making decisions regarding overall policies of FCAP and fiduciary matters regarding the ministry as a whole.  Additionally, an Advisory Board, comprised of individuals with spiritual insight and maturity is sometimes called upon by the Board of Directors for advice and counsel. FCAP’s Leadership is made up of representatives from our Local Fellowship groups.

Where is FCAP located?

FCAP is located throughout the world, wherever God’s people in the airline/aviation industry are found. International Headquarters is near Atlanta Georgia, USA. The purpose of the international office is to coordinate the ministry worldwide and to provide training and resources needed.

How is FCAP financed?

Expenses incurred in the operation of FCAP International Headquarters and the Local Fellowships are paid entirely from donations. We do not conduct fund raisers or solicit funds through “hard core” tactics. We do, however, attempt to tactfully make our needs known.

How can I make a donation to FCAP?

We are grateful for your support!  Please click our “Planned Giving” link where more details are given.  Funds can be received by FCAP International Headquarters via: cash, personal checks (drawn on U.S. banking account and made payable in U.S. currency), auto debit, PayPal, credit card, money order or traveler’s check.  We hold non-profit tax-exempt status under section 501(c)(3) of the US Internal Revenue Code and will issue tax receipts accordingly.[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text][/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]